Monday, April 13, 2009


In our desire to attract new customers we often neglect our established customers.

Over time we gradually take our customers for granted meanwhile our customer feels Invisible, unappreciated, and is growing more unsatisfied as each quarter passes.

Then one day they happily inform you (by email of course) that they no longer require your services.

Losing a global client can be devastating especially when you consider you gave this great client away to your competitor after years of hard work.

Money is sometimes a factor but more often than not it is because of poor communication skills and because you are focusing your energies elsewhere.

You have lost your direction and you have forgotten who your most important clients are and you need to recommit.

Global companies are always investing in their best employees and yet they neglect their prized customers. WHY?

If anything you should be investing more time and energy in your established customers because they have earned your loyalty. (80/20 rule Vilfredo Pareto)

Ask yourself ......

Which client would really hurt my company financially if they left today?
Which customer if they left today would damage our brand?

What is your strategy for not only keeping your customers but having them recommend your services?

When was the last time you exceeded your customer's expectations?

Would your clients say they are receiving exceptional service from you?

Why should your clients stay with you? If it's just price then you are in trouble!

How would you rate your level of communication and service?

How would you describe your current relationship?

How often do you discuss performance and future objectives with your clients?

Are you really serving your clients?

Do you know your clients?

Are you doing enough?

If not then what is your plan of action?

My "mantra" is "Invest in your Success" and what better way then to Invest in your established customers? (Pareto's Law)

Your clients represent your success so why would you neglect them?

These are the people who can and will recommend you if you are exceeding their expectations.

These same people can and will complain to others about your mediocre service if you are not exceeding their expectations.

Companies are made up of people which is why it has to be personal.

How strong is your connection and what are you doing to develop it?

How personal is your communication, is it all by email or do you pick up the phone?

Better yet when was the last time you talked to your client face to face?


Understanding your customer's vision is the only way you can effectively serve them.

What do they need and what problems need to be solved?

One of the "sins" we all commit is not taking enough time to listen to our customers.

We tell ourselves we are too busy and we will arrange a meeting when it slows down.

Of course it never slows down and it never will, you know from personal experience that you are only getting busier so make time!

It is imperative that you prioritize and have a clear vision of where you should be directing your attention. If it is not on your customers then something is wrong!

Delegate if you have to because it is your responsibility to manage your success.

It is always valuable to remember how you first persuaded your customers to let you handle their precious business.

What was it that first attracted these clients to you?

What was it that attracted you to your clients?

How did you feel at the time and how does that compare to today?

Evaluate your relationship every six months and make a point of recommitting yourself to their success.


Building and maintaining a strong relationship by working with your customer through good times and bad will guarantee added value to you personally and your firm forever.

Managing success is a pleasure and so it should be, our customers are important to our daily lives and helping them succeed is an honor that I look forward to each and every day.


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