Thursday, April 23, 2009


All great companies have their own unique Mission Statements so why shouldn't you?

A Company's mission statement tells the world who they are, what their purpose is, and what their long term objectives are

Companies do this to show how distinctively different they are from their competitors.

They define themselves in order to stand out and lead.

This is their corporate identity and it reminds their employees of who they are working for and why.

A mission statement frames who you are, what you believe in, and where you are going.

This is why it is so important for you to examine yourself and create your own personal mission statement so you understand who you are, what you stand for, and what you need to achieve in life.

Your personal mission statement is a reminder of your value and what is meaningful to you.

It is also a map showing you how far you have come and how you arrived at this point in life.

When you understand what you have and what is important to you, then you are filled with confidence, purpose, and direction.

Knowing yourself "puts you in the driver's seat" for example how do you feel when you are in the passenger's seat?

Some might describe it as not being in control, more like a spectator relying on someone else to get them to their destination?

Only you can get you to your destination and you have to do the driving.

Knowing yourself creates focus, potency, and clarity.
Knowing yourself puts you in the "zone."

For example NFL quarterbacks often describe the "zone" as being able to see every detail of a play while under "attack", they say it feels as if everything is in slow motion and they have all the time in the world to decide on the correct course of action.

An experienced quarterback in the zone has the vision to execute a potent strategy delivered with skill, poise, and inner confidence.

You have this same opportunity but you must sit down and investigate what makes you, YOU!

The ability to STOP and look inward is something all of us should do but in reality most of us make the same mistake and think we are too busy to STOP.

In our minds we have decided taking time to evaluate ourselves is not a priority.
That it is passive and a waste of our time. We are always looking outward but rarely inward.

Most of us are distracted reacting to problems we would not have if we knew ourselves better.

Take the time now and evaluate yourself by answering the following questions because understanding your Inner Mission Statement is essential to your continued success.

What do I stand for?

What do I want to achieve?

What gives me meaning?

What is unique about my story?

What was I "custom designed" for?

What do I specialize in?

What is my dream?

Why that particular dream?

What do you want to give back to your fellow man?

What makes you feel potent?

What brings out the best in you?

Am I in the "driver's seat"?

What is my passion?

Do I know where I'm going?

Who am I?????????

What is my mission statement?


As always you will have to regularly modify and reexamine your personal mission statement.

The challenge of defining and refining ourselves is no easy task but then who would want it any other way?


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